All Seasons vs. Three Seasons Sunrooms: Which Is Better For You?

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Building a sunroom is a great way to add living space to your home. Custom sunrooms bring in the outdoors while still protecting your family from pests and different weather elements. When partnering with a sunroom company, you’ll have different options from which to choose to make the space your own.

When you want a small or large sunroom for your home, you’ll have to decide what type of home addition you want. Choose from an All Seasons Sunroom that’s completely closed and connected to heating and cooling or opt for a Three Seasons Sunroom that gives you the flexibility to exchange glass for screens when the weather is comfortable.

There are benefits to both types of  sunrooms. Consider the features below to help you decide between an All Seasons or Three Seasons Sunroom.

Benefits of an Four (All) Seasons Sunroom

A custom All Seasons Sunroom can be customized into any space you desire. Since it can be used year-round, the sunroom can be used a home office, greenhouse, family room, or space for guests when they visit.

The All Seasons Sunroom is energy efficient and constructed in climate-controlled conditions, so you never have to worry about the rest of your home becoming too hot or cold during construction.

As with Three Seasons Sunrooms, there’s a high level of cost management during construction thanks to the detailed design completed before the build. There’s also a low likelihood of construction delays.

Benefits of Three Seasons Sunrooms

A Three Seasons Sunroom can be used for the majority of the year. The glass protects your space from cold air during the winter and scorching temperatures during the summer. While you’ll have the option to connect your HVAC unit if desired, most Three Seasons Sunroom owners simply exchange the glass for screens and vice versa to keep the space comfortable throughout the year.

Because your sunroom builder will complete a thorough in-home design consultation, there’s a high level of cost management during construction. The detailed plans also ensure there’s a low chance of construction delays.

Choosing Between Three Seasons vs. Four Seasons

The beauty of living along the South Carolina coast is that either a Three or All Seasons Sunroom works perfectly as a home addition. The space will be used multiple times throughout the year, making your parties, BBQs, or family movie night memorable. Choosing the right contractor for your home addition is essential to making sure the project is finished on schedule and engineered with quality.

Whether you’re looking for a family hangout spot, want a place to grow your plants, or just need a private retreat, a  sunroom is the perfect solution. A custom Three or All Seasons Sunroom can be built in just a few days, making your sunroom addition a reality. Schedule a free consultation with the Carolina Home Exteriors team to determine what style sunroom is best for your home.