How Advisar Doors Offer Hurricane-Rated Options

You’ve heard the terms “hurricane-rated” or “impact-resistant” before, but just what does that mean? Can a door really be rated to withstand sustained hurricane force winds? You might ask yourself, “how could a manufacturer possibly make those claims?” All fair questions, so we went to Advisar, the premier manufacturer of impact and weather resistant doors to find out.

Once ordered, the Advisar Door manufacturing process, which includes custom ordering and speedy delivery, starts in the Advisar plant, a place that knows a thing or two about hurricanes. The doors are made from a proprietary fiberglass composite material proven to be hurricane resistant in the lab, passing rigorous testing for strength, even in very high winds. Then comes impact-resistant (optional) glass, the toughest glass available for residential construction, also surpassing tough wind codes for impact protection. Advisar doors are also available as solid doors, with no glass.

If you live in an HVHZ (High Velocity Hurricane Zone), recognized in coastal South Carolina, you need to be assured any new or replacement windows and doors meet these codes. Why? Because it’s when a door or window fails, allowing wind and water into your home, where the devastation occurs. If you can prevent this breach, your home and its valuable contents are that much safer. Of course no building system, besides a steel and reinforced concrete shell is 100-percent safe against wind and water damage, but you can take the steps necessary to greatly reduce the risk. That’s where Carolina Home Exteriors and Advisar doors can help.

As an added bonus, even though Advisar doors look like real wood, they’re not, which makes them virtually rot-proof in areas like ours with high humidity. Available in dozens of styles, with or without glass, and custom finished in the factory to your specifications, an Advisar door makes a visual impact to your home that will make you the envy of the neighborhood. Only you will know about the added safety element.

Call today for a free, no obligation consultation to learn more. You owe it yourself and your family to protect your greatest asset (843) 651-6514.
