How To Prepare Your Swimming Pool For Summer

During the winter months, it’s hard to keep up with your swimming pool. When your family isn’t using the pool, cleaning the water and keeping it sparkling clean isn’t a top priority. As summer approaches, however, you’ll want to clean and prepare your swimming pool for the hot temperatures. It’s also a good time to clean your screened in pool enclosure. With the right equipment, you can get your pool back in shape so that it’s ready for swimming.

Add Proper Chemicals

The amount of chemicals you need to add to your pool to initiate cleaning will depend on its current condition. If the pool is murky, you may need SuperShock for a strong dose of chlorine. The water may also need stabilizer and algaecide.

Clean The Pool

Once the chemicals have been added, manually clean all the leaves and debris from the water. Use the pool brush to scrub the sides and bottom. Brushing keeps the surface smooth but also removes dirt and prevents algae. Finally, vacuum the pool to get rid of any straggling leaves and sticks.

Clean Screened Pool Enclosure

Myrtle Beach pool enclosures should be cleaned by hand. Use a gentle soap and warm water to remove dust or pollen before you open your swimming pool for the season. The screened pool enclosure can be cleaned with a soft bristle brush or a towel.

Check Pool Pump and Skimmer

In order for your pool to run properly, your pool pump, sand filter and salt water chlorinator need to be working well. Ensure that the pump is running smoothly and water is flowing through the filter. The sand filter may need backwashing if the pressure is on high but the water flow coming out of the pool jets is low. Hydrochloric acid mix is the best way to clean the salt chlorinator if it has white-scale on it. Clear out the debris in your skimmer box so water can flow to the filter.

Test Pool Water

Before you can begin to enjoy your pool or lay beneath the screened pool enclosure, you must test the water to ensure it’s safe for swimming. A store-bought test kit will tell you if the level of chemicals in your pool is balanced. Always test the water after backwashing the filter. Add the needed chlorine or acid based on the test results.

Test Salt Level

Heavy rains and the winter months may throw off the salt level in your pool. Use a salt test strip to test the water before you go swimming. Based on the results, you may need to add bags of salt.

Now that your swimming pool is ready for the season’s first swim, light up the screened pool enclosure and enjoy an evening under the stars or invite over a few friends for a cookout. Myrtle Beach pool enclosures are perfect for summer BBQs or just enjoying a book by the pool.
