When you are adding any type of addition that changes the original footprint of your home you will need to provide an As-Built Survey. The municipality requires a copy of the survey to pull a permit to show the current footprint of your home on the property. It shows the property lines and setback lines.
Site surveys are inspections of an area where work is proposed and can determine a precise location, access, best orientation for the site and the location of obstacles. Most municipalities require an engineered stamped copy of the As-Built Survey before they will release a permit for the job.
If they unintentionally accept a proposed survey and release the permit, then at the end of the job they will require a Post Foundation Survey to be done in order to close out the permit.
Proposed Survey
A Proposed Survey depicts where the planned project is estimated to be located on a plot of land. This typically is created when the home is being designed. By the time the home is finished some of the original plans on the proposed survey may have been changed. This is when the As-Built survey will need to be completed.
Most municipalities require a copy of the As-Built survey before they will release a permit for the job. If they unintentionally accept a Proposed Survey and release the permit, then at the end of the job they will require a Post Foundation Survey to close out the permit.
As-Built Survey
An As-Built survey is designed to show any and all improvements to the land at a given point in time. As-Built surveys are needed to record variations from original engineering plans to what is actually built. As-Built surveys are required by many agencies to prove the location of a structure at a point in time.
Many agencies need the As-Built surveys for the actual locations of underground improvements. They help to determine that all improvements on a site were constructed in compliance with the specifications as outlined by the engineer during the design process. An As-Built survey is often necessary to obtain a certificate of occupancy from a city or county.
Post Foundation Survey
A Post Foundation Survey is a survey that is completed after the foundation has been poured. A Post Foundation Survey may be required when an As-Built survey was not originally provided. Or when an addition has been built very close to the setback or property lines and the municipality requires it to insure proper location onto the land. A surveyor will come out and check that the addition was properly built onto the correct foundation.